summer break kick-start

Today was the last day of school this year (yayyyyyyyyy !!!) and the first evening of summer. We didn't waste any time getting down to business as far as summer activities are concerned. After stopping by the staff BBQ to wish everyone a wonderful summer, Sage and I headed to Reno for my good friend Ashley's graduation party.
Now I love Ashley. She's the kind of person you meet and immediately want to be friends with.
Girlfriend is just cool.
After Ashley's party (and more than my fair share of BBQed goodness) Colin, Sage and I drove by a park and decided to stop. It was a perfect night and the swings were calling out to us. We played at the park until Sage started laying his head on the swing he was so tired.
We finished off the night with some Uswirl frozen yogurt outside...with just as much crushed candy toppings as frozen yogurt, because that's how Uswirl is properly done. The night came to a close with a baby who insisted on holding his own spoon and painting his face with frozen yogurt. All signs pointed to past bedtime.
He fell asleep almost immediately in his carseat.
And now, sitting here with a sleeping baby next to me, writing this post and reflecting on the day fills me to the brim with excitement for what the next two-and-a-half months holds.
Summer, we love you.
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