sage's first birthday party
Because he is such a rambunctious little person, I decided to throw Sage a Where The Wild Things Are first birthday party. It was so fun to throw and I was so happy so many of our friends could come to celebrate making it through our first year together. I was a terrible mom/host/photographer/blogger because I didn't get pictures of our wonderful guests, but I was so happy to sit and talk with the people who could come that somehow the camera got set down on a counter and forgotten. So even though there aren't pictures to prove it, my parents' house was full of laughs and little people. I am feeling overwhelmed with the amount of love we feel. What a wonderful day! What a wonderful wild thing!
The love is overflowing.
On the invitations I had specified that I didn't want people to bring presents, if anyone thought a present was necessary I asked them to bring a favorite book. This turned out to be an amazing idea and I would recommend it for any apartment-dwelling families. We're all about books around here.
^^ The lemonade bar was a hit!
^^ The weather was sprinkling rain, so the pom pom garlands that I planned to hang behind the table wasn't going to work, so my amazing friend Kacie has the idea to decorate the room with the strings of pom poms. They looked amazing!
^^ barefoot soccer with Haydn and Sean
^^ Sage loved the lemonade. Look at that pinky! Be still my heart.
^^ smash cake before the smash..
^^ My dad, the grill master!
Sage LOVED the smash cake. He was happy to smear and smush the cake until there was no cake left to smear and smush. I tried to get him to actually eat the cake, but he had no interest in eating it. He however did walk over and eat a handful of dirt while I was cleaning up the mess. He's a weird little wild thing, I tell you. And cute as all heck.
^^ opening presents with Brianna's help. Sage was SO not opening presents fast enough for her, so she was awesome enough to be a big helper and come help Sage open his presents.
What a wonderful day!
I love you baby Sage, you make me laugh every day and I can't wait to see how much you grow up in the next year.

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