whimsical and ridiculous
Lately I've been feeling extra whimsical and felt drawn to things that are extra ridiculous. Here are some of my most recent finds.
Live (for the home):
I saw this wallpaper from Huset Shop online and died.
Then realized if I ordered it the people I am renting from would die. So I have it bookmarked on my computer and I can continue to click on it and swoon and dream of the day when I can order it and it will be mine. We are like star-crossed lovers -- this wallpaper and I.
Love (for myself):
I ordered this necklace through Brickyard Buffalo. I can just picture my sister/mom/Colin saying "that is probably the creepiest thing I've ever seen". But I'm in love with it and I can't wait for it to come in. Brickyard Buffalo is my new favorite addiction. And I ain't goin' to rehab for it. No-sir-ree.

Little (for Sage):
This t-shirt comes from Threadless kids. I love a baby in a graphic tee...and Threadless has the coolest selection around. Imagine the little mister in this tee with cargo shorts and slide-on TOMS, then grab a rag because you need to clean up that heart that just melted all over the floor. Because babies in cute clothes are just THAT uh-door-uh-bull.

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