
It's that time of year again, time to make some promises to ourselves that we generally don't care to keep past about..the second week of January. So I've decided to just make some goals for myself for the upcoming year. 2012 gave me a healthy little boy, and I am determined to live this upcoming year with him to the fullest. So I guess I'm making more goals than resolutions. Are those the same things? For some reason they feel different.

1. Take more pictures.
Since Sage was born I have been a beast with a camera. I want to keep that up. I love looking back at his pictures and videos. I love putting them into this blog. Which leads us to the next goal...

2. Keep blogging.
I have gotten into a blog jive and I really want to keep that up. I love this little corner of the Internet that I call my own.

3. Read.
I've made a goal for myself to read at least 20 books this year. I asked for suggestions on my Facebook and was amazed by the great books I was recommended. I can't wait to get downloading on the Kindle. It's not that I DON'T read, it's that my quality of books have seriously gone downhill. "The Very Hungry Caterpillar" has been a commonplace around here -- Sage thinks that's the best! That dang caterpillar just eats so much! When we're not reading about a caterpillar or a "spoon and a brush and a bowl full of mush", I generally don't take the time to read something for myself. When I do read, it's been either trashy celebrity magazines or books that I pick up at the grocery store, which aren't usually the best written books in the world (I know, big shocker there). These books usually include a girl who's boyfriend cheats on her so she leaves, she goes into a depression and then comes out of the depression with a heightened sense of self, making her emotionally ready to be in a relationship with the hotter/more sensitive/successful guy who comes along. These books are fine, but I need something a little more invigorating. Time to put this iPad to good use and fill that Kindle app up with something out of the norm! I'll save the trashy magazines for the treadmill and the bathtub, because heaven knows I can't just give them up COMPLETELY.

4. Work out.
I know, real original here. Me and every other person in the history of the world have this as a resolution. But mine has more to do with losing the rest of this stinkin' baby weight. When I was pregnant with Sage I had the appetite of a linebacker. I could eat constantly and never feel full. Part of this has to do with my gluten intolerance, but the rest has to do with the bottomless pit that was my stomach for ten months. In my head I was eating for two, but it seemed as if the two were both sumo wrestlers. I gained 80 pounds during my pregnancy. I've lost over half of it, but this is the time to lose the rest. I hate not fitting into my old clothes. Because honestly, I had some really cute clothes I would really like to fit in by this summer. So this isn't more of a half year, resolution. I want to have lost the rest of the baby weight by the summer, then keep it off through the remainder of the year. It's frustrating how hard it is to lose the weight that was so easy to put on in the first place.

5. Do more.
I want to get out and do more. I know this is a really broad statement, but it's also a really broad goal. I want to go to more concerts. I want to visit more museums. I want to have more play dates. I want to take a class. I want to plan a big trip over the summer. I want to plan more little weekend trips. I want to learn to cook. I want to start painting again. I want to do more crafts. Basically, when I see an opportunity, I want to take it without worrying that I "don't have time." If I had time to watch every episode of every Real Housewives of every city this year, I definitely have time to do some of these things. I mean, come on.

Those are the main ones. However, I am constantly making small goals for myself. I honestly believe that making small, attainable goals are the way to grow and become better. January is about new beginnings, but for me it's more like a checkpoint where I can look back on the year and think, "Dang, self. You had a good year. Keep it up."

Be safe tomorrow and Happy New Year!!šŸŽ‰šŸŽ‰


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